Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Due to an overwhelming amount of inquiries we receive each day via Pure Chat and emails, we have put together some of the most frequently asked questions from the general public and from our members. Hopefully, this will helps answer some of your questions.

I want to buy a Puppy.

We will endeavour to help you find your new family member, though the website is not a broker for our members, You can find a list of our Full Members and Probationary members on our website, listed beside member names is a contact phone number, most members list the breeds they have available, members also may have direct links to their email address, Facebook page and website for you to check validity of their membership. It is the responsibility of the buyer to search for their new family member not the administration of the website or committee members.
We also have an Advertising area available to Full Members only to advertise current litters they have available at present. 

A member number is not appearing on the member’s list.

Our members lists are updated daily, if you are searching for a member number that is advertised on a different platform and you are unable to find this member number on our Full member or Probationary member list, then the member number is not a current member of the AAPDB. If the person claiming to be a member is insistent that they are members it may be possible that they are in the process of being activated or progressing to full membership, to check this information please email 

Can I become a member of AAPDB?

Yes, if you agree to follow our code of ethics, best practice animal welfare standards and your local State or Territory Legislation regarding pets and breeders. Members must declare that they comply with their state’s legislation regarding pets and breeding. Members must declare that they do and will always follow best practices and uphold strict animal welfare standards for their animals.For more information and instructions on how to become a member please go to our membership page. 

Do you accept purebreds and cross breed breeders?

Yes, we do! We are breeding association and we believe that both pedigree and non-pedigree breeders should follow the same level of care and consideration. Australian Association of Pet Dog breeders is all about the responsible and ethical breeding of all dog breeds. The AAPDB does not regulate what members breed, but rather how they breed their dogs, how they sell their dogs, the after sales obligations and whether the dogs they breed are suitable for the families who purchase them. 

What payment method can I use?

All payments are made via our portal, credit cards and debit cards can both be used. For member safety and security, your card details are not stored or saved.

We do not accept pay pal, bank deposits or bank transfers. 

Why do I need to Provide Identification and pictures?

Each time you apply for a new membership or submit an annual Audit we will also request your Identification and pictures of your Facility, Identity is needed to provide evidence that you are the person you say you are and that you are currently living at the address you say you are living, we request regular updates of pictures as circumstances can change and the photographic evidence supplied is to ensure our members uphold the AAPDB high standards of care and are following the 5 freedoms act with your dogs

How long does it take to become an approved Probationary member?

Once your application is completed in full and received, it will be reviewed by AAPDB administration, depending on the volume of applications, we try to process within 48 hours of applying. If further information is required, you will be contacted by administration. 

Where can I find my Probationary member number?

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive your welcome email with your membership number – (please also check your junk mail folder.)

Once approved your name and information will then appear on the Probationary members list on our website. It is the responsibility of each member to add their own links to their website and social media pages.

My Probationary membership application form will not submit.

Your information may not upload due to some of the following reasons:

  • The image file size is too large. 
  • Problems with your browser. 

Please ensure your images are no larger than 3MB. Alternatively, you can submit your information without photos and email your photos direct to and we will proceed to process it for you. Please allow enough time for processing before contacting support  

I am already a probationary member. How do I become a full member?

To become a full member, you must have first joined as a probationary member, when you feel you are ready to become a full member please log into your member dashboard and fill out the required Vet Audit request form, this will begin the process, your nominated Veterinarian will receive the Vet Audit and you will receive a sample of this Audit via email also. Facility Pictures and Identification are also required when your Full member upgrade is submitted.

All areas of the Audit must be compliant before approval of any Full membership. The Audit is to be returned directly via your vet , Completed Audits can be emailed to,We will still require the original to be posted .Once this audit has been completed and emailed back to us, we may contact your vet and confirm completion. Once this has been finalised, we will confirm this with you via email and your membership and details will then be upgraded to our full member list. 

As a member of the AAPDB are my details kept private?

When you become a Full member you have the opportunity to advertise your contact details (and web site address if you have one).Our members are completely transparent. Membership details will only be available to the Executive Committee Members of the AAPDB (President, Compliance Officer, Treasurer and Secretary) 

However you must be aware that each state Government has requirements for information to be made available to specific individuals or organisations if the AAPDB is an Approved Entity in that State. 

In Australia, approved entities are required to provide information to:

  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries,and Department of primary industries in order to perform its functions under this Act and the Animal Care and Protection Act in each relevant state or territory.

And, on request to:

  • RSPCA  in order to perform its functions , 
  • Local government, in order to perform functions under the relevant act for each state or territory,
  • A police officer who is monitoring or enforcing compliance or performing functions in relation to an animal or an animal welfare offence; and 
  • An authorised officer under the Racing Integrity Act 2016 who is performing functions in relation to an animal or an animal welfare offence. 

Before you proceed with your membership you must acknowledge that you have read this information and that you agree to our privacy policy. 

Why has my membership been declined, suspended or cancelled?

We have zero-tolerance for puppy farms and are required to report any suspicious or illegal activities to the RSPCA and local authorities. If it appears that you are not willing to comply with our code of ethics and your state’s legislation, we cannot approve your membership application with the AAPDB. 

Your membership may be declined, suspended or cancelled if we have received complaints from members of the public, or if the photos provided of your animal’s housing and living areas are deemed to be inadequate. If your membership application is declined, you will be notified via email. 

Can I get a refund?

As detailed on our member joining page, we do not provide refunds, the joining protocol is quite lengthy, the administration time and procedure is quite lengthy, any fraudulent, incorrect or misleading application fees will become an administration fee. Probationary membership can only be held once by all members – the database will marry up all information and advise of any previous memberships held at all levels. 

Why do I need to complete genetic testing & How do I do it?

We have partnered with Orivet, who offer all AAPDB members discounted DNA testing. Once you become a financial member, your details are then added to the Orivet database via acceptance email. Please remember when you are opening your member profile with Orivet to select AAPDB as your breeding association to enable the special discounted price exclusively offered to AAPDB financial members.

We are the first Australian Dog Breeder Association in Australia to ask our members to complete genetic testing on all breeding dogs, this is the only way we can assure families that our association is breeding happy and healthy family pets, Genetic testing became mandatory from the 1st July 2019.All levels of membership are required to complete genetic testing and to provide evidence that this has been completed. We work very closely with Orivet to monitor this area. 

Will I receive any member benefits?

Yes, we have partnered with several companies and agencies who have exclusive discounts and offers especially for AAPDB members. This includes DNA testing, discounted travel crates, puppy packs from Advance, Pet insurance, Free Advertising, discounted advertising with several platforms, discounted travel with Dog Movers, Discounted flights via Dogtainers and Jet Pets, discounted council registration for full members. We are also currently working within several other areas and increasing our member benefits regularly.

What do I do if a member of the AAPDB is not abiding by AAPDB’s code of ethics and/or state legislation?

Please contact us immediately by filling in our complaints form, unless an official complaint is lodged we are unable to investigate thoroughly ,We take non-compliance very seriously and all complaints will be investigated

I have an AAPDB number. Do I still need a BIN number?

Yes, all members are required to have a BIN number though the AAPDB Member number is usually enough for advertising on outside platforms.  

What happens if I’ve bought an animal from an AAPDB member but cannot continue to care for it and need to re-home it?

AAPDB is the only breeders Association that can guarantee the public that the dogs/puppies bred by our member breeders, or sold by our Pet Retailers, will never be without a home. The AAPDB is the first, and only, breeding Association to give this guarantee.

AAPDB members are committed to helping any of their owners in the re-homing of an animal. If the owner contacts the AAPDB member, they will assist in the re-homing of that animal at any time during its life.

Members must undertake to take back or rehome any dog they have bred at any stage in the animal’s life should it become homeless for any reason. More information on rehoming can be found on our rehoming information page on our website,


Why am I unable to find a member number on the Full or Probationary member list

Do you accept purebreds and cross breed breeders?

Yes, we do! We are breeding association and we believe that both pedigree and non-pedigree breeders should follow the same level of care and consideration.

Why do I need to Provide Identification and pictures?



Why do I need to complete genetic testing & How do I do it?




Will I receive any member benefits?




What do I do if a member of the AAPDB is not abiding by AAPDB’s code of ethics and/or state legislation?



We are the first Australian Dog Breeder Association in Australia to ask our members to complete genetic testing on all breeding dogs.

Cavoodle Coat Types

What is the difference between wool, fleece and hair coat types?

You may have noticed Cavoodles out and about on walks and with their human families that have different looking coat types. Cavoodles can be roughly classed into 3 different coat types. These are Hair, Fleece and Wool coats. These coat types are not strictly distinct coat types as you would see in Dachshunds for example where dogs will fall into having smooth, long or wire coat, but the coat types change gradually on more of a sliding scale. At one end are the hair type coats and at the other are the wool coats. It is not uncommon for Cavoodles to have a coat that will fall in between 2 types such as more of a fleece coat that has tighter and more curls than would be normally seen. Below are the three types and a description of their characteristics.

Hair coats  

Are wiry, scruffy and fairly short in length and resemble the coat of a wire hair Jack Russell Terrier. Hair coated Cavoodles will shed more and have a typical dog odour but require the minimum amount of time for grooming compared to fleece and wool coats.

Fleece coats

Are the most common in first generation Cavoodles and have a wavy or very loose curl appearance with a very soft and silky feel to them. A fleece coat looks like a mix between hair and wool coats. They shed very little but, if not groomed, can shed a little more hair in the form of small hair balls that wander about. Fleece coats are a good choice for those with allergies to dog hair as they lose very little hair but do require clipping to keep the coat at a shorter length.

Wool coats

Have a tightly curled appearance like the soft wool of a lamb with a thick texture and some even have the characteristics of a double coat. They are also considered to be a non-shed coat type but all dogs, regardless of breed (aside from hairless breeds), will shed a few hairs from time to time. Wool coats are considered the best type in terms of being allergy friendly and have the best success rate with allergy prone owners. Even with this quality, no coat type can determine that a particular dog will be perfect for all allergy sufferers as allergies are distinct to each individual.