AAPDB Membership
AAPDB Probationary Member Requirements
- Probationary Membership is offered to those Breeders who are new to AAPDB and wanting to become a registered ethical breeder of quality family pets. This period is vital in providing support, assistance and the tools to become a Full Member of AAPDB. Probationary Members are eligible to become Full Members of the AAPDB as soon as they have been Audited by a registered Veterinarian, supplied all other requested documentation and are found to be compliant in all areas of the Audit.
- Membership (both Probationary & Full) of AAPDB is only available to Australian Residents.
An Australian resident is a person who resides in Australia and has permission to remain permanently – either because they are: an Australian citizen; the holder of a permanent visa; or a protected Special Category Visa holder - Probationary membership is:
- Valid for 3 months only and cannot be repeated or extended,
- Intended to assist new members to become compliant and to pass the Vet Audit,
- Provides support for questions, templates for documentation, manuals to assist setting up and for the operation of your enterprise, discounted genetic testing with Orivet.
- Probationary Members can progress to Full Member application as soon as they are confident of compliance with all areas of the AAPDB Vet Audit, no need to wait out the full 3 months.
- Probationary Members can use their AAPDB Membership number for Advertising , however the Advert must display the letter P in front of the member number.
- Once approved you will be given a Profile and immediate access to the probationary members area on our website, where you can find the AAPDB Manual and Sample Audit documents and record keeping spreadsheets to help you meet your obligations as an AAPDB member.
- Probationary Membership Numbers will be issued once your application has been processed and approved. You must complete you AAPDB Vet Audit and upgrade to Full Membership before your Probationary period has expired. We recommend you talk to your Vet to book an audit and order the Audit from us as soon as you can.
- Before You Proceed- For verication purposes you must provide a current copy of accepted Identification to confirm your Identity and your Address usually your current Driver’s License.
- Before You Proceed – You must also upload 6 pictures of your Facility/ premises with your application , one picture provided must be of you whelping area.
- Before You Proceed – From 1 July 2019 mandatory genetic testing of all breeding dogs came into effect for all members. Please read and be aware of your obligations under the Genetic Testing Policy and Procedure. You must be compliant to achieve Full Membership,(please refer to our genetics page)
- Before You Proceed – We advise all our members to be familiar with your relevant state code (COP). In the process of applying for Membership, you are required to download your relevant COP and download and affirm that you have read and kept a copy of the Animal Welfare Code of Practice for your State, the AAPDB Code of Ethics and Standards, and the Privacy Policy.
- Before You Proceed – Once your AAPDB Probationary Membership has been processed, your subscription cannot be cancelled or refunded.
- Before You Proceed – If you have previously been a member of AAPDB, or if your Probationary application is found to be a fraudulent or contain any false or misleading information, your application will be cancelled and your application fee will become an administration fee – you will not be entitled to a refund.
- Ready to Proceed? ? Please phone the office on 0436 300 739, if unanswered please let a voice mail before proceeding with your application.
- If you are an ethical dog breeder, or are planning to become one, we welcome your application to become a Probationary member of the AAPDB. Once you have spoken to the office and if you are confident that you can comply with the requirements of membership then please join via the green button on this page
AAPDB Vet Audit Requirements
People applying to become a Probationary member with AAPDB will be required to submit the following documents with their application:
1) submit 6 photos of premises (1 must be of your whelping area) 2) photo Identification with application.
Full Member Audits – Full members
From the 3rd April 2020 the following documents are also required to be submitted with your full member application and Vet Audit:
1) a copy of your current driver’s License
2) 6 pictures of your Facility (1 must be of the whelping area)
3) Desexing Voucher
4) a copy of your Contract of Sale
5) re-homing Guarantee
6) a copy of your puppy guide
7) a copy of your puppy health guarantee
8) proof that genetic testing has commenced on all your breeding dogs. 9) A copy of your Guardian ship contract if applicable.
Important Note : There will be no change to the requirements for Genetic Testing of all dogs over 6 months of age.
Probationary Member Upgrading to Full Member .
Full Member (Level 2)
1. Full Members of the AAPDB have undertaken the AAPDB animal focused welfare Audit carried out by an independent registered Veterinarian and found to be compliant in all areas.
2. Full Members are required to be Audited, to remain financial, and provide pictures of their Facility and Personal Identification annually to ensure that they continue to meet the standards of AAPDB.
3. Full members will have access to member benefits such as “Puppy Packs”, insurance cover, discount travel crates and discounted genetic testing.
In New South Wales you will be entitled to discounted dog registration fees.
4. Full members must be Familiar with their relevant state codes (COP).
5. You must initially enrol as a Probationary Member but can proceed to full membership immediately if you are confident that you will meet the requirements of our audit.
6. Full Members must ensure that both the annual audit is completed, and that the annual membership fee is paid prior to expiry of membership to ensure continuance of member registration.
Membership Fees
AAPDB Inc is registered for GST purposes, all fees below Include GST in the price.
Joining Fee
Probationary Membership $275.00 (inc gst)
Full Membership Fees
Full Membership fees are payable annually, due prior to expiry of current membership. The fees are scaled to the number of dogs on the premises and in Foster Care homes.
Fee Structure is as follows:
1 to 3 dogs: $275.00 (inc gst)
4 to 10 dogs: $550.00 (inc gst)
11 to 50 dogs $1100.00 (inc gst)
50 plus dogs: $2200.00 (inc gst)
*If your details are proven to be purposely misleading or fraudulent, or the total number of dogs included in your Vet Audit have been purposely misrepresented, your membership may be cancelled immediately and you will not be entitled to a refund of any amount paid . Any payment made will then become an Administration fee.
Step 1: Apply for membership
Please upload a copy of your Driver’s License as proof of identity, and identify your local government area, then proceed to payment: