Family Pets For Sale

All Puppy’s for sale on this site are Family Pet’s Only and can only be listed by Fully Audited and Financially current AAPDB Members, we do not allow Probationary members to list their Family Pet’s for sale on our website.

Why Choose an AAPDB Member?

Vet Approved Breeders

Exceptional DOg Care

Health Guarantee

Genetic Testing

Rehoming Policy

Why Choose an AAPDB Member?

Vet Approved Breeders:

Once members complete their breeder training, have been Veterinarian Audited, provided Pictures of their Facility, Provided Verified Identification, paid their upgrade fees and passed all requirements, they are approved as Full Members.
These requirements are to be met by our members annually.

Exceptional Dog Care:

With Leading company partners, we can offer the best and most modern food and medication available for all breeding dogs and puppies.

Members dogs are genetically tested for known preventable genetic or congenital health problems specific to their breed, and mating’s should be planned to minimise the risk of dog’s being affected by genetic disease.

Members must accept responsibility for known testable preventable genetic or congenital health problems arising in the first 18 months of the dogs life.

If a Vet diagnoses a puppy / dog with a testable genetic or  congenital health problem within the first 18 months of it’s life, the breeder must pay verified Veterinary expenses up to the purchase price of the puppy , replace the puppy or take back the puppy and offer a full refund.