Welcome to the Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders Inc (AAPDB)

The AAPDB upholds an ethical, welfare centred code of practice for all our veterinarian approved breeders.

The AAPDB members are responsible both for animal welfare and lifetime re-homing programs.

The AAPDB promotes “Healthy Pets”, and a positive approach to hybrid and genetically diverse pure bred dogs.
The Australian Association Of Pet Dog Breeders Inc or AAPDB, is the only cross breeding association that is a recognised breeder body approved under clause 3(1) of the Companion Animals regulation 2008. please follow the link if you would like a list of other recognised breeder associations, although not on this list, Dogs NSW is included in this regulation and is included in the legislation.
Members of the AAPDB are committed breeders who care for and love dogs. They have proven this commitment by joining the only breeding association in the world, that requires its members to undertake an annual animal focused, quality assurance welfare Audit carried out by an independent practising Veterinarian.
Proudly, We are currently the only recognised Breeding Association that requires its members to undertake these thorough checks, so you can have peace of mind that your dog has come from a breeder who is proud of their dogs’ welfare and open to scrutiny.
Proudly We are the only recognised Breeding Association that offers follow up care, rehoming policies and health guarantees with our puppies.
Proudly, We are the only recognised Breeding Association that requires all members to complete at a minimum Full Breed Specific Genetic screen on all breeding dogs for all testable genetically inherited diseases relevant to each and every particular breed of dog.
AAPDB members fulfil this commitment to their dogs by following standards for breeding and sale to which all members are obliged to adhere. The primary focus of members is to breed healthy, happy family pets and advise prospective owners on what would make the most suitable pets for their circumstances.
The AAPDB breeders encourage responsible pet ownership by providing appropriate information about the dogs they breed, ensuring that new pet owners are educated regarding their responsibilities.
What are the Five Freedoms, and what do they mean?
If you have never heard of them before, the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare are widely accepted throughout the world as the starting point for minimum animal welfare standards. The AAPDB recognises that an animal’s primary needs can be met by safeguarding the 5 Freedoms, and encourages all pet care facilities to look to these freedoms when designing facilities, writing policies and procedures, and training staff.
AAPDB breeder Audits and policies are strongly based around the five freedoms .
The 5 Freedoms are:
1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
This freedom ensure that animals will have easy access to fresh water at all times, and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
2. Freedom from Discomfort
This freedom ensure that animals are provided with an appropriate environment, which will include shelter and a comfortable resting area.
3. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
This freedom ensures prevention of pain, injury or disease through rapid diagnosis and treatment.
4. Freedom to Express Normal Behaviours
This freedom ensures sufficient space is given, proper facilities and company of the animals own kind (where appropriate).
5. Freedom from Fear and Distress
These freedoms ensure appropriate conditions and treatment are given to avoid mental suffering.
More recently, animal welfare concepts have moved beyond the concept of simply meeting the basic needs or minimum animal welfare standards, and are now recognising the emotional needs of the animals and promoting positive experiences.
Many document throughout the world reference the Five Freedoms within legislation and industry Codes of Practice, and the AAPDB supports the concept of ensuring these freedoms are met.
The association wants to ensure that these standards are upheld by all members and if at any time, you believe that a member is breaching them,
Please refer to our complaints form.